FAQ / Accounts & Billing / How does Algolia calculate the Maximum QPS?
Jul. 09, 2019

How does Algolia calculate the Maximum QPS?

Max QPS is calculated as follows:

  • Take the number of queries for each second over a 5-minute time range
  • This gives us 300 values, 1 for each second (60 seconds * 5 minutes = 300 values)
  • Take the max number of queries from these 300 values
  • This will be the max QPS for those 5 minutes
  • To get the max for 1 hour, take the 12 max QPS per 5 minutes and get the max of those

You might want to know how the Max QPS differs from the Global Max QPS.

Please contact support@algolia.com to find out the maximum QPS associated with your specific plan.

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