Troubleshooting Data, Index, and Queue Issues
On this page
Most errors that you will encounter when using Algolia for Magento are data or indexing related. We’ve created this page to address data-related issues.
My search results are empty
When Algolia for Magento is installed, it automatically fetches the Magento product data, transforms it to a JSON structure and pushes this data to Algolia. If any problems are encountered, please make sure that:
- The App ID and API Keys are correct
- The queue is running in case automatic indexing is turned on.
My search results are outdated
With automatic indexing turned on, the indexing happens asynchronously. It may take some time for your data to be updated.
It’s possible for the indexing queue to crash under certain circumstances. Below is a list of the most common problems you can encounter.
Network Error
Network errors are typically resolved automatically thanks to the queueing process. If the network error persists over multiple queue runs, there may be a problem with the underlying infrastructure of the Magento application. When in doubt: if the problem lies with the Algolia infrastructure, please have a look at our status page to see if there are any problems.
Memory Error
Magento has some known memory leaks which cause problems when memory usage increases. When sending records to Algolia that exceed 10K in size, memory usage increases. Algolia does not only suggest, but in fact requires record sizes to not exceed 10K for performance reasons.
Record Size
If the total size of the index exceeds this limit, it is recommended to turn on automatic indexing through the queue.
The cron job that runs the indexing will break up large indices into chunks within the size limit.
When indexing without the cron job, or with the EMPTY_QUEUE=1
argument in the job, the index size will not be checked.
Failed (Re)indexing Jobs
To see if any of the jobs that were created have failed, please have a look in the algoliasearch_queue
If a job fails, it needs to be restarted. This will continue the indexing job from where it stopped, so it will not run it in its entirety again. If the queue is enabled, the restart will happen automatically.
The indexing job can be restarted manually by pressing the restart link. This can be found by clicking the index on the Magento Dashboard.
My search is incomplete
In case some products are missing from the search, please note that the Algolia extension does not index products for which one of the following statements is true:
- The product is deleted
- The product is disabled
- The product is out of stock and the webshop hides products that are out of stock
- The product is not visible in the search and in the webshop
Only when none of the above statements are true will Algolia index the product, and will it show up in the search results.
Still having problems? Take a look here.