API Reference / API Parameters / analyticsTags
Feb. 26, 2019


Type: list of strings
Engine default: []
Parameter syntax
'analyticsTags' => [
  'tag value',

Can be used in these methods:

About this parameter

List of tags to apply to the query for analytics purposes.

You can use tags in analytics to filter searches. For example, you can send two different tags - mobile and website - to see how mobile users search in comparison to website users.

There are a couple of limitations to keep in mind when sending analytics tags:

  • Tags can be up to 100 characters long. Longer tags are ignored.
  • Tags starting with alg# are reserved for internal usage and are ignored.
  • A query has a maximum of 10 unique tags. Extra tags are ignored.
  • A maximum of 3,500 unique tags combinations is processed per 5-minute window. All extra tags are ignored. A tags combination is the list of tags found in a query. For example, sending 3 queries, each respectively tagged with platform:ios, lang:en, and platform:ios,lang:en, counts as 3 combinations.


$results = $index->search('query', [
  'analyticsTags' => [

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